Weightless-a choice.

Today the sky is clear. The weight of the world is not on my shoulders. Instead, I am prioritizing myself. My practice of writing. My practice of meditation. My practice of happiness. Yes – happiness is a practice, and perhaps more importantly, a choice. So is meditation. So is writing. I am listening to theContinue reading “Weightless-a choice.”

Weight of the world.

Got the weight of the world on your shoulders? You put it there. Don’t. Just let it go. Allow the energy to pass through you. Practice balance: the mindful distribution of energy. Inhale.Exhale.Repeat. Stop clinging onto blocked energy. Be with it, then let it go, for the sake of all of us. You are aContinue reading “Weight of the world.”

Inside out.

What to do when your world is turned upside down? Turn inward. Seek to find peace in the awareness that feelings of joy, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness are exactly that – emotions. They do not define you. The fact that you are able to witness your emotions means that you are separate from them, henceContinue reading “Inside out.”

Keep it lighthearted.

Have fun writing, Mom. I had fun watching you write, Mom. – Everett, 4 y.o. Sometimes, we need to be reminded of the joy in life. To keep it lighthearted. And to listen, truly listen to children. They are wise. A writing practice I am focusing on is putting my priority project literally first. EachContinue reading “Keep it lighthearted.”

Me, myself, and yoga.

How does yoga influence my life off my mat? As a mother? As a writer?   I recently had the joy of interviewing with Meg Sirchio of Perennial Yoga and Wisdom Community in Fitchburg, WI. She asked me to reflect on this very question. In the moment, I think I told her a story aboutContinue reading “Me, myself, and yoga.”