Cultivating math genius.

Since coming across the work of Dr. Gholdy Muhammad, I’ve come to understand meaningful math learning in a totally different way. This post captures Dr. Muhammad’s research on “Cultivating Genius” from my perspective as a math education researcher, community-engaged scholar, and professor.

How do you cultivate students’ math genius? Through intentional designs for learning that celebrate students’ identities, that hone students’ skills, the grow students’ intellect, that expand students’ criticality, and that spark joy.

#identity #skills #intellect #criticality #joy #Muhammad2020

Scroll for multi-media resources… Engage with the image gallery, print, fold, and share an illustrated zine, or post the 1 page handout.

Teaching and learning from a culturally and historically responsive literacy framework (Muhammad, 2020) means developing students’ identity, skills, intellect, criticality, and joy. Check out this 1 page visualization of these layered pursuits from Dr. Fonger’s orientation toward meaningful math learning and teaching.

Zines are mini-magazines about a topic. Print out this zine at 100% scale and fold it following these directions in a Video (How to fold a zine by Prof. Fonger) or Illustrated Guide by Ashley Topacio (You Print Zine). Share this zine with others and inspire creativity in education!

How do you cultivate students’ math genius? Reach out!

Dr. Nicole L. Fonger


Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic.

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