I see, I feel.

I see, I feel.

I see the shifting seasons before my eyes. As the leaves fall from branches willing to let go. I feel it in my bones. As the breeze calms through the open sills.


My progress today helps me plan for tomorrow.
I give myself time to be in it. To get messy. To problem solve. To meditate.
I then give myself time to rest. To breathe. To stretch. To practice patience.


I take time to read. To think. To ponder. To let it sink in.
I hear the voice that tells me to stop. To do an easier task.
I hear that voice, and invite it in. I let it go.
This is the practice.


To write. To create. To advance ideas.
To innovate. To inspire change. For the well-being of students.
This is my work.


My schedule fills up.
Yet I make time for my priorities.
I sing. I dance.
I open the windows to feel the breeze on my skin.
I step outside to allow the light in.
I stay inside and radiate light.


I write. I yoga. I cook.
I love. I give.
I am. That I am.

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